It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Carnegie School of Home Economics. We have already stepped into the era of learning, and we fully recognise that the change is the only constant.

We believe in the philosophy of learning, unlearning, and relearning. This philosophy inspires us to reinvent and innovate to be relevant to keep pace with the ever-evolving Hospitality and other related Industries.

We at CSHE firmly believe that education plays a vital role in the overall improvement of society. The role of education is not limited to giving and grasping knowledge and theory. Our motto “Skill is Wealth” confirms that CSHE not only focuses on the theoretical and practical curriculum but also help in the development of a student character, extra-curricular activities and overall perspective.

The objective of training at CSHE is associated with employment as it ensures a positive attitude to see the world of work from a better standpoint and to analyse, define and apply an individual’s idea in a constructive advancement of society.

I firmly believe that CSHE is more than just a place to learn. Pursuing studies at CSHE gives students a chance to grow by equipping with everything they need to achieve excellence. At CSHE, we ensure students are given the best start to their future career.
“Skill is wealth”. Each individual will achieve as they uniquely connect their efforts in their attendance, punctuality, meeting deadlines and giving their best.

We wish all the students a grand success in their career and prosperity in their future life. Thank you for choosing the Carnegie School of Home Economics as your institution for your career development!

Stay Safe!

Sharmaine Marshall, MS., BEd., CDHT