Duration: 10 Weeks (one day per a week from 17:00 hours to 19:00 hours. A total of 20 hrs.
Household Management Courses: 2 days per week/ 12 weeks/3 hours per session. Students are also required to complete 5 days/40 hours of work attachment at the related industries. A total of 112 hours per course.
Courses Offered
Culinary Courses
- Elementary Cookery
- Advanced Cookery
- Elementary Cakes & Pastries
- Advanced Cakes & Pastries
- Cake Decoration
Visual Arts
- Fabric Decoration
- Crochet & Macramé
- Floral Arrangement
- Bridal Accessories
- Fabric Decoration
Garment Making
- Tailoring 1
- Tailoring 11
- Tailoring 111
- Dressmaking 1
- Intermediate Dressmaking 11
- Advanced Dressmaking 11
Household Management*
- Childcare Management Levels 1 & 2
- Care for the Elderly Levels 1 & 2
Housekeeping Levels 1 & 2
Persons who are desirous of registering for Advanced Courses MUST submit their original Elementary Certificate in order to be qualified for the related Advanced Course.
CSHE provides tailored training for organisations to their specific needs. Training is customized for groups or organisations unique requirements. Examples of a range of customised courses include but not limited to:
- Housekeeping for the Office
- Etiquette and Table Manners
- Food Service Supervision
- Waiter/Waitress Service
- Bartending
- Other programmes requested by organisations